Stables, sneezing and farts...
Yesterday afternoon while at work my sister and the ginger came walking through the rain, my two favourite people. My sister had been travelling all day and had coffee stains on her tummy, like you do when you have been flying Ryan Air. A kid probably jumped on her while the mum and dad had a can of beer further down the aisle.
After rise cakes and drench we put our riding gear on and headed to the stables with the neighbour in the backseat munching on Dumle (Swedish toffee with a chocolate cover, they're special )
After being stuck under roof because of heavy showers we jumped on out horses and took off for the woods. Never have I laughed so much in my life.
A peaceful trot turned into a circus causing all of us to nearly wet ourselves.
We were skipping along the fields feeling pretty good, silence, sunshine, beautiful nature and then... my fat albino horse sneezes so hard he farts at the same time creating a gunshot like sound straight in my sisters horses face causing him to nearly have a heart attack... I'm sure you can imagine... we were crying of laughter.