Cinema visit

This week me and Chris went to see The Proposal, my proposal?.. don't see it! Waste of money and 1 hour 30 minutes you will never have back.  The final scene where she goes home and leaves him behind only to realise he does actually love her and need his Granny to fake a heart attack to that they can fly to the airport and stop her plane in time for him to tell her that...HE LOVES HER. What was going through my mind all that time? only how badly I needed a wee. Had two pints just dying to come out and there was no way that was gonna happen. Had women glued to their seats on both sides and half of them were crying, they were not willing to stand up and let me pass, stick it out Sof, stick it out...

After the film we ran, ran so fast we thought we'd made it, but far more experienced cinema viewers had been slightly quicker and the queue to the loo's was about a mile long. We looked at each other like we held the greatest secret of all, we both knew what had to happen... back away from the queue slowly, you don't want people to notice you, then make your escape to the handicap toilets, when on the edge of peeing your pants rules don't apply to you.  

Little blonde moment for me though..

The toilet wouldn't flush! It just wouldn't... What can I do? if I stay any longer the people outside are gonna think I'm doing a number two. I had to face them , tell them the nasty truth.. opened the door prepared to meet a whole line of angry women but there was only one there, and she looked lovely so off I went. Took my time and explained what was happening, even went back in the toilet to point and make myself really clear. I apologised and smiled, might have said something about how lucky she was that I went in before and not someone who wasn't feeling very well (might have laughed after saying that as well) gave her a warm look then walked off. She didn't make a sound, nothing, looked at me with a confused stare but still not a sound, in chock probably.

Took me about a minute to realise I had been speaking to her in Swedish and that she had absolutely no clue why I had lead her into the toilet and pointed to my wee.

Men, beware..

Late last night when I was at the highest of my sugar rush I decided to use that energy and go for a jog. The ginger kept insisting it was too late but I wouldn't listen.

I headed down the streets of Norwich listening to some tunes and all of a sudden I found myself on a street without much light and thought to myself that maybe that wasn't a very good idea, anything could happen, someone could jump out of the bush and get me, so I decided to move out to the middle of the road. That idea wasn't the best as cars kept driving down the road and I ended up running twice the distance because of all the zick-zacking I was doing.

Back in the dark of the payment a man suddenly appeared. What do I do? Shall I move to the other side of the street or shall I stay? If I move over he might think I'm scared and I will hurt his feelings which I really didn't want to do so I decided to stay on the same side of the street.  

Did not quite realise how narrow the payment was and we ended up in this sweaty out of breath street dance-off that lasted for what felt like minutes.

As I kept running I found myself in the same situation more than once, and my reaction was unfortunately the same.

So basically, female joggers have absolutely nothing to fear. Men on the other hand,  out in the hours of darkness, prepare yourselves to be followed and closely cuddled my sweaty women trying not to hurt your feelings.


Party a'la England

Last night I was so kindly invited to a make-up party at my friends house.
     For those of you who don't know what that is I will try to explain this once in a life time event.

A stranger comes into your house bringing make-up. She then stands in front of a group of women placed in a circle and talk about these different products. It's then up to the hostess to get everyone as drunk as possible as quickly as possible to ensure they buy loads of things. Let the game commence...
As you're sitting in this circle you pass these products around so that everyone can have a try before they buy, basically a room full of tipsy women slapping make up on like there is no tomorrow.

The ladies toilets in a nightclub comes to mind...

Thank you K and C for that unforgettable experience. I will come again.

I had another tattoo done, it hurt

On friday morning I woke up slighty worried about the nights lack off sleep due to sleeping on an air bed with the ginger in pretty much daylight. The reason for this was my sister and her other half who were snoring away in what used to our bed.
I had a quick coffee locked the door and left for work, took me ten minutes before i realised i shouldnt have looked them in and had to leg it back home, they didnt have clue, still snoring away totally unaware that they were very close to have to spend the day in our minute flat making small talk all day.

Met them in the city after work were we ate a very much over prised lunch and a pint to take my mind of what was about to happen but it failed miserably, I was very much aware of what I had agree to do, again i might add.
The place was full of boys with baggy pants and needles. It hurt, alot. Spend ten minutes convincing myself not to jump out the window. The result? Mindblowing.

Tommorow I am driving my model friend to a photoshoot. Talk about feeling out of place.


Cicki och Sofia

Stables, sneezing and farts...

Yesterday afternoon while at work my sister and the ginger came walking through the rain, my two favourite people. My sister had been travelling all day and had coffee stains on her tummy, like you do when you have been flying Ryan Air. A kid probably jumped on her while the mum and dad had a can of beer further down the aisle.

After rise cakes and drench we put our riding gear on and headed to the stables with the neighbour in the backseat munching on Dumle (Swedish toffee with a chocolate cover, they're special )

After being stuck under roof because of heavy showers we jumped on out horses and took off for the woods. Never have I laughed so much in my life.

A peaceful trot turned into a circus causing all of us to nearly wet ourselves.

We were skipping along the fields feeling pretty good, silence, sunshine, beautiful nature and then... my fat albino horse sneezes so hard he farts at the same time creating a gunshot like sound straight in my sisters horses face causing him to nearly have a heart attack... I'm sure you can imagine... we were crying of laughter.   

I moved to England

1 year ago I decided to leave my life that was Stockholm in exchange for my new life that were to be London.
Oh no, hang on, not London, Norwich.

London, the capital of Europe- Norwich, the capital of fat people with no teeth.

I can only describe my year in England as rocky. There have been peak periods and off-peak periods. Bad jobs- Good jobs. Size 8- Size 10. Rain-Sunshine. Broke-Minted. Sadness and Happiness... the link combinding it all? Love for the Ginger.

Over all, love it.

x x

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